Tell Gov. Dayton We Need Tough Frac Sand Restrictions
Despite 2013 state legislation directing Minnesota agencies to create air quality standards and improve environmental review for frac sand facilities, the regulations are yet to be established. And we do not have a clear commitment from Governor Mark Dayton that these rules will be tough and put health, safety and rural communities before frac sand mining interests. This is a critical time to ramp up our efforts to demand that Gov. Dayton uses his authority to create stringent frac sand regulations.
Contact Gov. Dayton today at 651-201-3400 or 800-657-3717 and deliver the message that we need him "all in" when it comes to protecting Minnesota from the frac sand industry.
For more information, see LSP's Frac Sand Organizing web page or contact LSP's Bobby King by calling him at 612-722-6377 or sending an e-mail.