From: Bobby King <>
Subject: Sen Schmit Community Mtg this Saturday in St. Charles
Subject: Sen Schmit Community Mtg this Saturday in St. Charles
Sen. Schmit has a town
hall meeting this Sat., March 16, 11:30 a.m. at the St. Charles Community
Center. It is important to have people there thanking him for his frac sand
bill, Senate File 786, and encouraging him to keep fighting for it.
Schmit’s bill has the three key elements we are asking for 1) a moratorium; 2)
an in-depth environmental study and 3) requiring the MPCA to develop stronger
permit requirements. It would be good for people to articulate these three
elements and let him know how important they are to protecting southeast
Minnesota. He needs to see that there is strong community support for this and
that people feel like this a common sense approach.
A bill passed out of
the House Environment Committee last night (HF 906) that is much weaker then Sen. Schmit’s
bill. It calls for the state to give assistance to local governments on
developing ordinances and for the state to adopt the Wisconsin Air Quality
standards. (I don’t know how good those standards are.) The amended version of
HF 906 is not up on the web yet but should be soon.
Please share this email
with others.
Bobby King
Land Stewardship Project
Land Stewardship Project
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